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GRC(Governance, Risk and Compliance) Reporting

  • Category: Power BI, Power Query, Power BI Desktop and Power BI Service
  • Technology: SharePoint Online
  • The GRC reports has been develop with a purpose of Risk Management. Risk management is the identification, evaluation, and prioritization of risks to identify the Risk Pattern based on different business scenarios and analyze the pattern. Our client has different Business Units and Line of Businesses in their organization where they wish to identify the Risk. Binary Republik have developed two reports for GRC purpose.

    The first report which we have developed is Individual Risk Rating report where user will select Business Unit, Line of Business and Risk to view the information. The Heat Map with the Current, Target and Inherent information displayed in the Heat Map with the level of Risk, Risk Rating, Likelihood and Velocity information. Also, the client wishes to have the report in a printable version.

Operational Reporting

  • Category: Power BI Reports, Operations Management
  • Technology: Sharepoint Online
  • The main purpose of the Operational reporting is to generate the Monthly reports for each individual team. The report cover the information about the different operational activities of the organization such as to manage POW, Budget and Trend Status of the project, manage vendor information with their rating, Mange different activities throughout the month such as – Focused activities, Assisted Activities, Initiated activities and behind schedule activities, Manage Trend, Key Issues, Vendors, Budget, YTD Expense, YTD Budget, status of different YTD activities for Problem Management, Project, Minor work and Continuous improvement. Also, the report manages the feedback received from the customers.

    Key Issues happened throughout the month with its impact is also being displayed in the report. Project Budget and Expense been represented by different graphs.

Pogo Intranet Solution

  • Category: SharePoint Online Modern Page Experience
  • Technology: SharePoint Online
  • Pogo Intranet web parts includes different types of 8 web parts like Your Details, Get to know your team, People like you, My Links, Search from Lists/Libraries OR People Search, Accordion, Page Author, and Decision Tree (Cascading Dropdowns) web part. There are some genneral purpose web parts like Accordion, Page Author, Search and Decision Tree which can be used for any intranet portal. There are some user speccific web parts like Your Details, My Links, My Team and People like you. All the web parts are developed using SPFx.

    Notice of Cash webpart contains an input form which provieds details of transactions made for specific work centers. Once the notice of cash form is submitted for a work center, there should be a report created in a site page with all the content submitted by a users merged with predefiend content configured by admin users.

Incident Reporting Web part

  • Category: SPFx Webpart, TypeScript, Incidents Table, REST API, React
  • Technology: ServiceNow
  • This webpart was developed for the internal users to have a list of reported incidents from ServiceNow. This webpart allowed them to group the reported incidents easily WRT incident numbers, the users who have reported i.e. caller-name, by description, by dates like created date or due date, and view them, when they login. So, this webpart served as a detailed list of reported incidents, which helped them to identify and schedule the responses accordingly. Binary Republikused ServiceNow developed this custom webpart for their agents to have this list handy and configure the view as per their requirements.

Configurable Incident Reporting

  • Category: SPFx Webpart, TypeScript, Incidents Table, REST API, React
  • Technology: ServiceNow
  • Incident reports have been available in the tabular format for the agents. But, the requirement was to have the look-and-feel along with the properties customizable. This included the styling/branding elements like font-styles and sizes, images, background colors, number of records and the columns to be viewed. Moreover, they wanted to get the records of a particular client on-the-fly with their corresponding access endpoint and credentials. So, Binary Republikdeveloped this webpart that helped their agents to access and view the dashboards on-the-fly easily and quickly.

Digitized Loan Detail Enquiry System

  • Category: Salesforce Lightning Web Component
  • Technology: Salesforce
  • PND Accountants & Advisors wanted a digitized Loan details Enquiry system within their Salesforce. This form would capture the details of the enquiry based on the type of team loan needed. There were 2 types of Loans provided like Purchase or Refinance, and both had their respective forms. This form would also validate the details entered against invalid data. we developed this custom Lightning Web Component in order to have this enquiry form digitized and automate the enquiry process.

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